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Atudryx Dj

Corato, BA, Italia
[email protected]


Adriano Dell'Olio aka Atudryx DJ, born in Corato (Bari) exactly in August 1988. Since he was 9 he discovers a

passion for music and started to record the first cassette.

Since he was 12 he started to feel his passion for rhythmic music, beginning with the dance 2000.

3 years later he changed its style of music into commercial house that is still his favorite.

Knowing that this was his sound, a year after he started playing with the help of a friend in some pubs,

birthday parties. Since he was 18, in December 2006, the night between 23 and 24 in the "Square of children" in

Corato he played his music attracting the attention of a wider public.

Later, after graduating in 2007, he started the career as an animator dj / sound lighting technician for the

tourist agencies "Obiettivo Tropici", Ventaclub, Veraclub until 2013.

After he restart playing for private parties in Corato.

In 2020 with the covid-19 pandemic he started collaboration with Radio 40 Web and Radio Power Italia sharing every week dj mixes.

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[email protected]


Adriano Dell'Olio aka Atudryx DJ, born in Corato (Bari) exactly in August 1988. Since he was 9 he discovers a

passion for music and started to record the first cassette.

Since he was 12 he started to feel his passion for rhythmic music, beginning with the dance 2000.

3 years later he changed its style of music into commercial house that is still his favorite.

Knowing that this was his sound, a year after he started playing with the help of a friend in some pubs,

birthday parties. Since he was 18, in December 2006, the night between 23 and 24 in the "Square of children" in

Corato he played his music attracting the attention of a wider public.

Later, after graduating in 2007, he started the career as an animator dj / sound lighting technician for the

tourist agencies "Obiettivo Tropici", Ventaclub, Veraclub until 2013.

After he restart playing for private parties in Corato.

In 2020 with the covid-19 pandemic he started collaboration with Radio 40 Web and Radio Power Italia sharing every week dj mixes.

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Member since: 9 years

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