▶ The Underground Lair >> North Wales, UK.🔊

DJ since 1994 & regular on The Underground Lair & Fright Night Radio & a Kings Of The Amen regular guest. Played at nights across the UK such as Renegade Hardware Backlash, DITC, Memories, Big Bad & Heavy, Central Bass, Revolution, Jungle Jam, Clinic, This 'N' That, Rave Is Not A Crime, Basement DNB, Rewind, Utopia, Kaos, Clash & various outdoor parties across North Wales playing Acid Techno. I mainly play d'n'b (dark beats, Amens, Techstep, 'Classics'.) but also play the odd Techno, Hip Hop & Old School sets too...

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DJ since 1994 & regular on The Underground Lair & Fright Night Radio & a Kings Of The Amen regular guest. Played at nights across the UK such as Renegade Hardware Backlash, DITC, Memories, Big Bad & Heavy, Central Bass, Revolution, Jungle Jam, Clinic, This 'N' That, Rave Is Not A Crime, Basement DNB, Rewind, Utopia, Kaos, Clash & various outdoor parties across North Wales playing Acid Techno. I mainly play d'n'b (dark beats, Amens, Techstep, 'Classics'.) but also play the odd Techno, Hip Hop & Old School sets too...

Member since: 1 year

Facebook Link to https://www.youtube.com/DFECTdnbDFECT d'n'...(You Tube)