djbonura10 "official page"

Palermo, Italia

Dj Producer
Management: CRISTAL
Info & Booking: [email protected] - [email protected]

Vincenzo Bonura,
born in 1981, since her early life she has expressed her love for music listening all that offers the musical landscape in its evolution, passionate rock and dance music of the years 80/90.

In 1993 for the first time a cousin put in front of a mixer and technics 1200 dishes.

The console charm with all future developments will strike him deeply so that it will become a fundamental part of his life.

manic collector of vinyls, in 1998 after a long apprenticeship in private party, start making his first experiences Saturday afternoon behind the console of the main historical clubs Palermitani.

Always an innovator of technology, Vincenzo is distinguished for his skill in the mix, it is known how many DJs try to propose "their good music" masking in fact those that are certain technical shortcomings.

In 2002 to enter in a permanent position of NightLife Palermitana, playing for various local organizations, demonstrate what are the ideals of a good disk jockey.

many locals turning Vincenzo begin to publicize its work and its productions, managing to get noticed by many owners of various local Palermitani.
In 2009, his charisma behind the decks not be indifferent to the owner of Fix Palermo John Greek, as well as artistic director of Raya Panarea, one of the most famous and popular of Italy, who decided to hire him as a resident deejay.

Through Raya, Vincenzo come into contact with many manufacturers of famous brand worldwide and members belonging to the Italian nobility.
They allow you to export his sound around Italy, the party organized by stylites world-class such as Bulgari or Delcogliano, and party in noble houses as Borgese and Pallavicini.

In 2011, he is betting on a trio of guys named Vincenzo Grasso, Fabrizio Lo Cascio and Luke Norato, which seek to bring in Palermo the big dance in the stadiums of the world of the south, for this bride UNLOCKED project as resident DJ of the area EDM.
From 2011 to date Vincenzo Bonura has shared the stage with the most important Italian artists such Fargetta, Precious, Nari & Milani, Cristian Marchi, Eiffel 65 to name a few, and world-renowned artists such as Bob Sinclar, Martin Solveig, Little Louie Vega , Bingo Players, Hardwell, Kaskade, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Eddie Thoneick, Michael Calfan, nERVE, Nicky Romero, Vinai, Dyro, Fedde Le Grand.


Vincenzo Bonura,
classe 1981, sin dall’infanzia esprime il suo amore per la musica ascoltando tutto ciò che offre il panorama musicale nelle sue evoluzioni.
Da sempre un innovatore della tecnica di mixaggio, Vincenzo si distingue per la sua abilità nel dietro la consolle.

Vincenzo riesce a rendere sempre speciale ogni suo Party, i suoi dj set sono da sempre innovativi e travolgenti, mai banali, essendo in grado di spaziare dal house, al tribal all'electro-house come se niente fosse, emozionando da semnpre il pubblico che gli sta davanti.
Nel 2009 il suo carisma dietro la consolle lo porterà a suonare al Raya di Panarea, uno dei club più famosi e rinomati d'Italia, dove tutt'ora è deejay resident.

Con il tempo Vincenzo ha potuto esportare il suo sound in giro per l’Italia, in party pvt organizzati da stiliti di caratura mondiale come Bulgari.

Nel 2011 entra a far parte del progetto UNLOCKED come dj resident dell’area dance, con l’obbiettivo di poter dividere la consolle con i big della musica dance mondiale.

Ad oggi Vincenzo Bonura ha diviso la consolle con artisti di fama mondiale quali, Paul Kalkbrenner, Bob Sinclar, Martin Solveig, Steve Aoki, Little Louie Vega, Bingo Players, Hardwell, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, NERVO, Nicky Romero, Klingande.

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Dj Producer
Management: CRISTAL
Info & Booking: [email protected] - [email protected]

Vincenzo Bonura,
born in 1981, since her early life she has expressed her love for music listening all that offers the musical landscape in its evolution, passionate rock and dance music of the years 80/90.

In 1993 for the first time a cousin put in front of a mixer and technics 1200 dishes.

The console charm with all future developments will strike him deeply so that it will become a fundamental part of his life.

manic collector of vinyls, in 1998 after a long apprenticeship in private party, start making his first experiences Saturday afternoon behind the console of the main historical clubs Palermitani.

Always an innovator of technology, Vincenzo is distinguished for his skill in the mix, it is known how many DJs try to propose "their good music" masking in fact those that are certain technical shortcomings.

In 2002 to enter in a permanent position of NightLife Palermitana, playing for various local organizations, demonstrate what are the ideals of a good disk jockey.

many locals turning Vincenzo begin to publicize its work and its productions, managing to get noticed by many owners of various local Palermitani.
In 2009, his charisma behind the decks not be indifferent to the owner of Fix Palermo John Greek, as well as artistic director of Raya Panarea, one of the most famous and popular of Italy, who decided to hire him as a resident deejay.

Through Raya, Vincenzo come into contact with many manufacturers of famous brand worldwide and members belonging to the Italian nobility.
They allow you to export his sound around Italy, the party organized by stylites world-class such as Bulgari or Delcogliano, and party in noble houses as Borgese and Pallavicini.

In 2011, he is betting on a trio of guys named Vincenzo Grasso, Fabrizio Lo Cascio and Luke Norato, which seek to bring in Palermo the big dance in the stadiums of the world of the south, for this bride UNLOCKED project as resident DJ of the area EDM.
From 2011 to date Vincenzo Bonura has shared the stage with the most important Italian artists such Fargetta, Precious, Nari & Milani, Cristian Marchi, Eiffel 65 to name a few, and world-renowned artists such as Bob Sinclar, Martin Solveig, Little Louie Vega , Bingo Players, Hardwell, Kaskade, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Eddie Thoneick, Michael Calfan, nERVE, Nicky Romero, Vinai, Dyro, Fedde Le Grand.


Vincenzo Bonura,
classe 1981, sin dall’infanzia esprime il suo amore per la musica ascoltando tutto ciò che offre il panorama musicale nelle sue evoluzioni.
Da sempre un innovatore della tecnica di mixaggio, Vincenzo si distingue per la sua abilità nel dietro la consolle.

Vincenzo riesce a rendere sempre speciale ogni suo Party, i suoi dj set sono da sempre innovativi e travolgenti, mai banali, essendo in grado di spaziare dal house, al tribal all'electro-house come se niente fosse, emozionando da semnpre il pubblico che gli sta davanti.
Nel 2009 il suo carisma dietro la consolle lo porterà a suonare al Raya di Panarea, uno dei club più famosi e rinomati d'Italia, dove tutt'ora è deejay resident.

Con il tempo Vincenzo ha potuto esportare il suo sound in giro per l’Italia, in party pvt organizzati da stiliti di caratura mondiale come Bulgari.

Nel 2011 entra a far parte del progetto UNLOCKED come dj resident dell’area dance, con l’obbiettivo di poter dividere la consolle con i big della musica dance mondiale.

Ad oggi Vincenzo Bonura ha diviso la consolle con artisti di fama mondiale quali, Paul Kalkbrenner, Bob Sinclar, Martin Solveig, Steve Aoki, Little Louie Vega, Bingo Players, Hardwell, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, NERVO, Nicky Romero, Klingande.

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