
Madrid, España

Dj español enamorado de la electrónica en general y especialmente del TRANCE. Formado en la academia Moebius School y la emisora FunRadio España (ahora LocaFM) , ha pasado por varias cabinas de la noche madrileña.

Spanish Dj in love with electronic music in general and specially TRANCE. Formed at Moebius School Academy and FunRadio Spain radio station (nowdays known as LocaFM), has played in several dj booths in Madrid´s nightlife.

Twitch: fergus_dj twitch.tv/fergus_dj
Youtube: FergusDj youtube.com/channel/UCOTi2F8FF...F9TNTeFBsDz3wbQ
Mixcloud: FergusDj mixcloud.com/fernandogutierrezsuarez

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Dj español enamorado de la electrónica en general y especialmente del TRANCE. Formado en la academia Moebius School y la emisora FunRadio España (ahora LocaFM) , ha pasado por varias cabinas de la noche madrileña.

Spanish Dj in love with electronic music in general and specially TRANCE. Formed at Moebius School Academy and FunRadio Spain radio station (nowdays known as LocaFM), has played in several dj booths in Madrid´s nightlife.

Twitch: fergus_dj twitch.tv/fergus_dj
Youtube: FergusDj youtube.com/channel/UCOTi2F8FF...F9TNTeFBsDz3wbQ
Mixcloud: FergusDj mixcloud.com/fernandogutierrezsuarez

Member since: 9 years

Link to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOTi2F8FF9TNTeFBsDz3wbQYoutube FergusDj Link to https://www.twitch.tv/fergus_djTwitch FergusDj Link to https://www.mixcloud.com/fernandogutierrezsuarezMixcloud FergusDj