Klassiek Centraal

Klassiek Centraal   ))   België

Klassiek Centraal is an independent Digital radiostation in the Belgium that broadcasts classical music. It claims to be the only 100 percent classical music station" and plays from older music to modern film scores and video game music. We broadcast over the internet. Klassiek Centraal uses a selector software with a playlist of 29,000 listed tracks.

Feel free to reach out, we are a group of volunteers with a big love for Classical music, from Baroque to new releases and expirimental classical music. Visit us at our website: klassiek-centraal.be (in dutch)

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Klassiek Centraal is an independent Digital radiostation in the Belgium that broadcasts classical music. It claims to be the only 100 percent classical music station" and plays from older music to modern film scores and video game music. We broadcast over the internet. Klassiek Centraal uses a selector software with a playlist of 29,000 listed tracks.

Feel free to reach out, we are a group of volunteers with a big love for Classical music, from Baroque to new releases and expirimental classical music. Visit us at our website: klassiek-centraal.be (in dutch)

Member since: 5 years

Support this artist Facebook Link to https://klassiek-centraal.beKlassiek Centraal