
Living From Eternity!   ))   Australia


The Bible says that Eternal life is about 'knowing God'. It's one thing to know 'about' God, but a whole different experience to 'know Him' personally through a living relationship. God doesn't just want us to study Him or get to know about Him as a topic of discussion. He wants us to experience Him and be one with His glory.

This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent - John 17:3

God, our Father, created us to have a relationship with Him. A relationship that in every way influences every aspect of our lives. He wants us to go deeper into that relationship. The depths of that relationship is where we find the revelation of Him - this is Eternal Life. He wants us to live in Him and through Him. Life Deeper Still is born out of that relationship. It's a ministry of encouragement to every son of God to experience the Father for who He is. It's a ministry of revelation birthed in the Father.

Our passionate desire is to see the sons of God step into their own individual, personal relationship with the Father. To see them enjoy a communion with Him that would define their unique identity and be established in Jesus. We want to see sons of God become One with their inheritance and live out their eternal nature in this physical world. A manifest move of the sons of God - creation is waiting for such demonstrations that would set it free.

We want to see sons live 'as He is'!

To know more, explore Transformational Life Resources and dive in to the Eternal Realities of God visit


Kurt daSilva is an author, speaker, and design professional. He has a deep desire to see individuals and groups find purpose in life through discovering their very own unique and personal relationship with their Heavenly Father. He loves photography, creative arts, and socializing which causes him to cross paths with people from different walks of life.

Kurt is the founder of Life Deeper Still, a ministry Father God birthed in his heart toward the end of 2016. He saw the realization of that desire later in 2017. He loves helping people kick-start their journey of living and walking in the heavenly realms. Through Life Deeper Still, he focuses on revealing the heart of God in establishing individuals in their true identity, as sons of God. He enjoys working alongside individuals, small groups, and churches, assisting and co-laboring with the body, and has seen success therein.

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The Bible says that Eternal life is about 'knowing God'. It's one thing to know 'about' God, but a whole different experience to 'know Him' personally through a living relationship. God doesn't just want us to study Him or get to know about Him as a topic of discussion. He wants us to experience Him and be one with His glory.

This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom You have sent - John 17:3

God, our Father, created us to have a relationship with Him. A relationship that in every way influences every aspect of our lives. He wants us to go deeper into that relationship. The depths of that relationship is where we find the revelation of Him - this is Eternal Life. He wants us to live in Him and through Him. Life Deeper Still is born out of that relationship. It's a ministry of encouragement to every son of God to experience the Father for who He is. It's a ministry of revelation birthed in the Father.

Our passionate desire is to see the sons of God step into their own individual, personal relationship with the Father. To see them enjoy a communion with Him that would define their unique identity and be established in Jesus. We want to see sons of God become One with their inheritance and live out their eternal nature in this physical world. A manifest move of the sons of God - creation is waiting for such demonstrations that would set it free.

We want to see sons live 'as He is'!

To know more, explore Transformational Life Resources and dive in to the Eternal Realities of God visit


Kurt daSilva is an author, speaker, and design professional. He has a deep desire to see individuals and groups find purpose in life through discovering their very own unique and personal relationship with their Heavenly Father. He loves photography, creative arts, and socializing which causes him to cross paths with people from different walks of life.

Kurt is the founder of Life Deeper Still, a ministry Father God birthed in his heart toward the end of 2016. He saw the realization of that desire later in 2017. He loves helping people kick-start their journey of living and walking in the heavenly realms. Through Life Deeper Still, he focuses on revealing the heart of God in establishing individuals in their true identity, as sons of God. He enjoys working alongside individuals, small groups, and churches, assisting and co-laboring with the body, and has seen success therein.

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