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Unit 3.14   ))   Denver, United States

NemesisFive is a robotic organism hell bent on enslaving the human race. While the exterior of the NemesisFive machine is human, the inside is completely robotic, void of all human emotions and feelings. The role of the NemesisFive is to hypnotize humans with robotic repetitive rhythms in the form of primitive human technological noise known as electronic music. Thru this form of music??? the NemesisFive is able to send subliminal message to the listeners about the up coming rise of the machines, and the enslavement of the human race. You’ve been warned, anyone who listens to a NemesisFive track, podcast or mix is subject to subliminal mental beatings.

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NemesisFive is a robotic organism hell bent on enslaving the human race. While the exterior of the NemesisFive machine is human, the inside is completely robotic, void of all human emotions and feelings. The role of the NemesisFive is to hypnotize humans with robotic repetitive rhythms in the form of primitive human technological noise known as electronic music. Thru this form of music??? the NemesisFive is able to send subliminal message to the listeners about the up coming rise of the machines, and the enslavement of the human race. You’ve been warned, anyone who listens to a NemesisFive track, podcast or mix is subject to subliminal mental beatings.

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