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SALT [sitandlistento]


🌀SALT = new generation of future funk dnb.
A fresh Perspektive on the depth of the Audio space. New mix weekly sunday on Youtube Berlin Time: 03:15 PM & monday on 06:00 PM

Mix 1-9,11-19,21-29... etc. presentation of about 15+- new tunes, in full length and splendor of the calendar week. And every 10th,20th,30th,... the best 60 tunes, fast mixing from the last nine mixes !

~ intelligent-dnb ~ liquidspace ~ future jazz ~ deep ~ tempo ~ atmo ~ soul ~ melodic ~sci-fy funk & neuro phrases ]dnb[ = #SALT

Welcome to the realm of electronic synapse stimulation. Dr. S.A.L.T. invites, ladies and gentlemen, a "Sit And Listen To" his therapy. The focus of treatment are successful applying strategies for coping with stress, harmony of body and mind as well as the transition in areas transcending their perception of the environment. Make yourself free from worries and fears and enjoy the soothing and liberating effect of a wide range of audio-electrical signals to their neural network. In several treatment steps they are confronted with an immense variety of sounds, from Intelligent via deep liquid drum n bass to atmospheric. Regardless of day -and night time and place and inner constitution they will get very soon on his own body to
feel what designate experts around the world already as the so-called SALT-effect. Just SIT AND LISTEN TO < STAND UP AND FLY

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🌀SALT = new generation of future funk dnb.
A fresh Perspektive on the depth of the Audio space. New mix weekly sunday on Youtube Berlin Time: 03:15 PM & monday on 06:00 PM

Mix 1-9,11-19,21-29... etc. presentation of about 15+- new tunes, in full length and splendor of the calendar week. And every 10th,20th,30th,... the best 60 tunes, fast mixing from the last nine mixes !

~ intelligent-dnb ~ liquidspace ~ future jazz ~ deep ~ tempo ~ atmo ~ soul ~ melodic ~sci-fy funk & neuro phrases ]dnb[ = #SALT

Welcome to the realm of electronic synapse stimulation. Dr. S.A.L.T. invites, ladies and gentlemen, a "Sit And Listen To" his therapy. The focus of treatment are successful applying strategies for coping with stress, harmony of body and mind as well as the transition in areas transcending their perception of the environment. Make yourself free from worries and fears and enjoy the soothing and liberating effect of a wide range of audio-electrical signals to their neural network. In several treatment steps they are confronted with an immense variety of sounds, from Intelligent via deep liquid drum n bass to atmospheric. Regardless of day -and night time and place and inner constitution they will get very soon on his own body to
feel what designate experts around the world already as the so-called SALT-effect. Just SIT AND LISTEN TO < STAND UP AND FLY

Member since: 4 years

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