
Bonn, Deutschland

It's one of those things with a profile in which you present your products - in this case music - in a great and dazzling and wonderful and unique way. But somehow that's not the point here.

I'm retired, I was a journalist and press officer for an international NGO for many years, I've been involved in PR and marketing and all that stuff. Working for the INGO has made it very clear to me that I can't just live here and enjoy living in a rich country without doing something for those who are literally living in squalor.

That's actually (almost) everything. With the music as well as with my photography and the videos I produce, I try to make us aware that we are swimming in milk and honey. And yes, of course: we can even have fun with all the privileges we have.

Of course, now comes the "but". We could simply do something here and there and now and then for those who simply lack everything. Like the children and young people in Korogocho, the third largest slum in the Kenyan capital Nairobi. That's why I'm here. And maybe I'll find a few people who are willing to give away some of the bacon we all nibble on every day.

Thanks for reading, by the way ;-)

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It's one of those things with a profile in which you present your products - in this case music - in a great and dazzling and wonderful and unique way. But somehow that's not the point here.

I'm retired, I was a journalist and press officer for an international NGO for many years, I've been involved in PR and marketing and all that stuff. Working for the INGO has made it very clear to me that I can't just live here and enjoy living in a rich country without doing something for those who are literally living in squalor.

That's actually (almost) everything. With the music as well as with my photography and the videos I produce, I try to make us aware that we are swimming in milk and honey. And yes, of course: we can even have fun with all the privileges we have.

Of course, now comes the "but". We could simply do something here and there and now and then for those who simply lack everything. Like the children and young people in Korogocho, the third largest slum in the Kenyan capital Nairobi. That's why I'm here. And maybe I'll find a few people who are willing to give away some of the bacon we all nibble on every day.

Thanks for reading, by the way ;-)

Member since: 1 year

Support this artist Link to http://ayiera-initiative.orgENGL.: NGO...m (Nairobi Link to Sl...ngers wit