Terry Evans aka DJ Thunder


Resident DJ themusicgalaxyyradio.co.uk Mondays and Fridays 6pm-8pm USA and 11pm-1am UK. Life is too short to miss out on your dreams....make your dreams your REALITY!

Reach out to me at [email protected] for "shout-outs" during my live broadcast OR you can Facebook Message me facebook.com/terry.evans.9081

Music is universal.....there's no escaping it!

Bookings: [email protected]

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Resident DJ themusicgalaxyyradio.co.uk Mondays and Fridays 6pm-8pm USA and 11pm-1am UK. Life is too short to miss out on your dreams....make your dreams your REALITY!

Reach out to me at [email protected] for "shout-outs" during my live broadcast OR you can Facebook Message me facebook.com/terry.evans.9081

Music is universal.....there's no escaping it!

Bookings: [email protected]

Member since: 6 years

Facebook Link to http://www.themusicgalaxyradio.co.ukMGR Intern... London UK