Thomas M. Pfefferle

Bible Prophecy For The Remnant

You need to know what's coming. Even most believers have no clue.

Disclaimer: Es wird keine Haftung für Schäden aufgrund der hier angebotenen Vorträge übernommen. Jeder ist für seine Lebensentscheidungen selbst verantwortlich.

The lectures are based exclusively on my own personal opinion and provided for entertainment.
Everyone is responsible himself for the decisions he makes based on my lectures. My lectures are considered merely as for the purpose of entertainment.

Thomas M. Pfefferle taught Civil Law at the University of Leipzig, worked in research at the Institute of German and International Banking and Capital Market Law, taught Civil Law at the University of Applied Sciences in Karlsruhe, studied in the USA and in France as well as at the prestigious Law Faculty of the University of Heidelberg, worked for a large Publishing House in Europe and practiced as an independant attorney at law in Karlsruhe for many years and now lives as an independant author, Bible scholar and Bible Teacher in the European Union.

You do not want to miss a single lecture on this platform. Join me for my weekly live Bible Study Group, where we pray together and discuss prophetic issues.

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You need to know what's coming. Even most believers have no clue.

Disclaimer: Es wird keine Haftung für Schäden aufgrund der hier angebotenen Vorträge übernommen. Jeder ist für seine Lebensentscheidungen selbst verantwortlich.

The lectures are based exclusively on my own personal opinion and provided for entertainment.
Everyone is responsible himself for the decisions he makes based on my lectures. My lectures are considered merely as for the purpose of entertainment.

Thomas M. Pfefferle taught Civil Law at the University of Leipzig, worked in research at the Institute of German and International Banking and Capital Market Law, taught Civil Law at the University of Applied Sciences in Karlsruhe, studied in the USA and in France as well as at the prestigious Law Faculty of the University of Heidelberg, worked for a large Publishing House in Europe and practiced as an independant attorney at law in Karlsruhe for many years and now lives as an independant author, Bible scholar and Bible Teacher in the European Union.

You do not want to miss a single lecture on this platform. Join me for my weekly live Bible Study Group, where we pray together and discuss prophetic issues.

Member since: 1 year