Varmint Music

Denver, CO, United States

Consider being a paying member of
If you use our music, please give credit. Let us know, we'd feel inspired.

Name change. From symbolsDivide to Varmint Music. We're a couple'a varmints with synths.

Essentially this is my (and Mike's) music blog, we turn on the gear and just play.

• Headphones or full range system is required - unmastered

I dont edit, it was recorded how it was recorded. It's the essence of the flow.

Summary of Music Posted:

2022.01 to present
Mike (CircleSix) and I have spent the last two years during the SARS-COV2 crap working on new music. We decided to sit down and write new patches, patterns and drum patters as well as think more deeply about music composition while still 'just turning on the gear, hitting record and letting it go where it will' - Hope you enjoy it.

2019.09 to 2020.02
Mike (CircleSix), Amy (Cello) and I have been working together weekly on sessions focused on live composition

2018.09 to 2019.08
Mike (CircleSix) and I have been working together weekly on sessions focused on live composition
I listen to a lot of Ukrainian music these days, so song titles are also in Ukrainian

2017.11 to 2018
Just making tracks....

I stopped using sequencing for the synth notes and just play keys by hand now, this is hard but more creative and I'm getting better each time. I like how I feel better about the music now. My biggest challenge right now is timing and note duration. Practice... Practice..

2015.12 to 2017.09:
I fell into a dub approach hole. The focus here was sequenced MIDI loops to hardware synths and drum machines. Effects, compression, gates and delay were mixed in while the 32 mixer was the 'Instrument I played'.

2015.05 to 2015.11:
Got back into creating music again after 10 years, this perdiod was probably my most creative as I had no focus sound wise and would come up with a concept and try to execute it sonically. During this time I did a 'Track A Day' project for 30 days.

This sound was super raw and far harder than people at the time were doing in my area. These are from cassettes recorded at the time. Very little gear was used for this, I was quite poor at that time. A drum machine, a single sound sampler, Korg poly 800, a Yamaha CX, delay and a Realistic 6ch mixer. This was about 1 year into deciding to make music instead of going the DJ path. I was in Michigan near Detroit and quite influenced by it.

Tracks tend to get into a deeper groove about 1/2 way in.

Live session hardware recordings

All tracks copyrighted
All tracks unmastered
•Kopfhörer oder vollständige Palette System ist aufgrund der nuancierten Charakter dieser Aufnahmen empfohlen - unbewältigten
•Hoofdtelefoon of full range systeem is aan te bevelen als gevolg van de genuanceerde karakter van deze opnamen - ongemasterde
•наушники или система полного диапазона рекомендуется из-за нюансов характера этих записей - неосвоенным
•Casque ou système de gamme complète est recommandée en raison de la nature nuancée de ces enregistrements - non maîtrisée
•Auriculares o sistema de gama completa se recomienda debido a la naturaleza matizada de estas grabaciones - sin masterizar


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Consider being a paying member of
If you use our music, please give credit. Let us know, we'd feel inspired.

Name change. From symbolsDivide to Varmint Music. We're a couple'a varmints with synths.

Essentially this is my (and Mike's) music blog, we turn on the gear and just play.

• Headphones or full range system is required - unmastered

I dont edit, it was recorded how it was recorded. It's the essence of the flow.

Summary of Music Posted:

2022.01 to present
Mike (CircleSix) and I have spent the last two years during the SARS-COV2 crap working on new music. We decided to sit down and write new patches, patterns and drum patters as well as think more deeply about music composition while still 'just turning on the gear, hitting record and letting it go where it will' - Hope you enjoy it.

2019.09 to 2020.02
Mike (CircleSix), Amy (Cello) and I have been working together weekly on sessions focused on live composition

2018.09 to 2019.08
Mike (CircleSix) and I have been working together weekly on sessions focused on live composition
I listen to a lot of Ukrainian music these days, so song titles are also in Ukrainian

2017.11 to 2018
Just making tracks....

I stopped using sequencing for the synth notes and just play keys by hand now, this is hard but more creative and I'm getting better each time. I like how I feel better about the music now. My biggest challenge right now is timing and note duration. Practice... Practice..

2015.12 to 2017.09:
I fell into a dub approach hole. The focus here was sequenced MIDI loops to hardware synths and drum machines. Effects, compression, gates and delay were mixed in while the 32 mixer was the 'Instrument I played'.

2015.05 to 2015.11:
Got back into creating music again after 10 years, this perdiod was probably my most creative as I had no focus sound wise and would come up with a concept and try to execute it sonically. During this time I did a 'Track A Day' project for 30 days.

This sound was super raw and far harder than people at the time were doing in my area. These are from cassettes recorded at the time. Very little gear was used for this, I was quite poor at that time. A drum machine, a single sound sampler, Korg poly 800, a Yamaha CX, delay and a Realistic 6ch mixer. This was about 1 year into deciding to make music instead of going the DJ path. I was in Michigan near Detroit and quite influenced by it.

Tracks tend to get into a deeper groove about 1/2 way in.

Live session hardware recordings

All tracks copyrighted
All tracks unmastered
•Kopfhörer oder vollständige Palette System ist aufgrund der nuancierten Charakter dieser Aufnahmen empfohlen - unbewältigten
•Hoofdtelefoon of full range systeem is aan te bevelen als gevolg van de genuanceerde karakter van deze opnamen - ongemasterde
•наушники или система полного диапазона рекомендуется из-за нюансов характера этих записей - неосвоенным
•Casque ou système de gamme complète est recommandée en raison de la nature nuancée de ces enregistrements - non maîtrisée
•Auriculares o sistema de gama completa se recomienda debido a la naturaleza matizada de estas grabaciones - sin masterizar


Member since: 8 years