I was excited by this weeks Junto theme; somehow space themes always stirs the William Shatner in me!
It was a fun experiment as well, with lots of freedom to create and I I had a free Thursday evening, the email arriving just after nicely in the evening UK time. I had no idea or plan I just let my mind wander with this one. I simply recorded and then loaded up the Morse Signal "Hi To Juno" as its featured in the linked video and looped it and basically played around with it for three hours getting all the rhythm and most of the other sounds from it, slowing it down and effecting it etc etc... and I added a few other static-radio bits thrown in as well to give a sense of radio waves in space, yadda yadda yadda!The bass/kick is from another source entirely and after I recorded it all I felt it was missing something so I got some dialogue off of youtube of someone talking about the Juno mission to Jupiter.

Disquiet Junto 0236: Hello Jun(t)o
The Assignment: Say hi to the Juno Spacecraft by embedding Morse code in an original composition.

In this project we’re going to send a friendly signal to the NASA probe, the Juno spacecraft, that just entered orbit around Jupiter. Well, we’re going to compose such signals. Sending them is a separate endeavor. We’re going to build on the “Say ‘Hi’ to Juno” endeavor, which had thousands of ham operators sending a message to Juno during its five-year voyage. The “Say ‘Hi’ to Juno” message was Morse code for “Hi” — that is, four dots followed by two dots (…. ..).

Step 1: Listen to the Morse code for “hi” (four dots followed by two dots) on repeat for a short time.

Step 2: Create an original musical composition that in one or more ways interpolates that Morse code.

Step 3: Upload your completed track to the Disquiet Junto group on SoundCloud.

Step 4: Annotate your track with a brief explanation of your approach and process.

Step 5: Then listen to and comment on tracks uploaded by your fellow Disquiet Junto participants.ne talking about the mission and added that in to give the piece another dimension and narrative grounding. I did it all in one session, three hours or so with the odd trip to the fridge for close encounters of the beer kind and I have uploaded it straight away. I will probably listen to it in the morning and would want to change quite a lot but I quite like doing Junto efforts in a quick burst of creativity.

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